文子龙, 赵毅强

Progress on animal domestication under population genetics
Zilong Wen, Yiqiang Zhao
表1 基于LD估计交流时间工具汇总
Table 1 Summary of the tool for estimating admixture time (LD-based)
工具 交流模型 相关链接 参考文献
ROLLOFF HI (hybrid isolation) https://github.com/DReichLab/AdmixTools/ [76]
ALDER HI http://cb.csail.mit.edu/cb/alder/ [77]
MALDER HI https://github.com/joepickrell/malder/ [77]
CAMer HI, GA (gradual admixture), CGF (continuous gene flow), GA-I (GA-Isolation), CGF-I (CGF-Isolation) https://github.com/david940408/CAMer [78]
iMAAPs HI, GA, CGF, GA-I, CGF-I http://www.picb.ac.cn/PGG/resource.php [79]