陈欲, 陈笑芸, 彭城, 徐俊锋, 沈洁, 李玥莹, 汪小福

Establishment of a field visual detection method for genetically modified maize ‘Shuangkang’12-5 by fluorescence RPA
Chen Yu, Chen Xiaoyun, Peng Cheng, Xu Junfeng, Shen Jie, Li Yueying, Wang Xiaofu
图4 荧光RPA温度适应性及暖贴加热法可行性实验
A:可视化荧光RPA温度适应性结果。B:暖贴加热8连管50 min内管中样品温度变化情况。C:两种加热方法扩增荧光RPA产物可视化观察结果。a:加热块39℃加热20 min;b:暖贴加热20 min;1、3、5、7为阴性对照;2、4、6、8为转基因玉米12-5。D:两种加热方法扩增荧光RPA产物荧光值测定结果。
Fig. 4 Temperature adaptability experiment of fluorescence RPA and feasibility experiment of heating method of warm paste