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Lian XP, Huang GF, Zhang YJ, Zhang J, Hu FY, Zhang SL. The discovery and utilization of favorable genes in Oryza longistaminata. Hereditas (Beijing), 2023, 45(9): 765-780.
廉小平, 黄光福, 张玉娇, 张静, 胡凤益, 张石来. 长雄野生稻有利基因的发掘与利用. 遗传, 2023, 45(9): 765-780.
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Liu XD, Wu JW, Lu ZJ, Muhammad QS. Autotetraploid rice: challenges and opportunities. Hereditas (Beijing), 2023, 45(9): 781-792.
刘向东, 吴锦文, 陆紫君, Muhammad Qasim Shahid. 同源四倍体水稻:低育性机理、改良与育种展望. 遗传, 2023, 45(9): 781-792.
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Hao XH, Hu S, Zhao D, Tian LF, Xie ZJ, Wu S, Hu WL, Lei H, Li DP. OsGA3ox genes regulate rice fertility and plant height by synthesizing diverse active GA. Hereditas (Beijing), 2023, 45(9): 845-855.
郝小花, 胡爽, 赵丹, 田连福, 谢子靖, 吴莎, 胡文俐, 雷晗, 李东屏. OsGA3ox 通过合成不同活性GA调控水稻育性及株高. 遗传, 2023, 45(9): 845-855.
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Zheng ZW, Zhao HY, Liang XY, Wang YJ, Wang CH, Gong GY, Huang JY, Zhang GQ, Wang SK, Liu ZP. qGL3.4 controls kernel size and plant architecture in rice. Hereditas (Beijing), 2023, 45(9): 835-844.
郑镇武, 赵宏源, 梁晓娅, 王一珺, 王驰航, 巩高洋, 黄金燕, 张桂权, 王少奎, 刘祖培. 水稻qGL3.4调控籽粒大小与株型. 遗传, 2023, 45(9): 835-844.
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Lai BW, Chen L, Lu SJ. The current status of photoperiod adaptability in soybean. Hereditas (Beijing), 2023, 45(9): 793-800.
赖笔威, 陈磊, 芦思佳. 大豆光周期适应性研究进展. 遗传, 2023, 45(9): 793-800.
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Zeng RE, Geng QH, Gao HK, Pan QQ, Chen TT, Chen Y, Zhang L. Mechanism of symbiotic nodulation between nitrogen and peanut. Hereditas (Beijing), 2023, 45(9): 801-812.
曾瑞儿, 耿庆辉, 高恒宽, 潘晴晴, 陈婷婷, 陈勇, 张雷. 氮素调控花生共生结瘤的机制研究进展. 遗传, 2023, 45(9): 801-812.
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Lv QW, Yang YF. The advances on the biological functions of peptide signaling in plant and potential utilization for crop improvement. Hereditas (Beijing), 2023, 45(9): 813-828.
吕倩雯, 杨永芳. 植物小肽信号的生物学功能及其在作物改良中研究进展. 遗传, 2023, 45(9): 813-828.
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Bian Z, Cao DP, Zhuang WS, Zhang SW, Liu QQ, Zhang L. Revelation of rice molecular design breeding: the blend of tradition and modernity. Hereditas (Beijing), 2023, 45(9): 718-740.
卞中, 曹东平, 庄文姝, 张舒玮, 刘巧泉, 张林. 水稻分子设计育种启示:传统与现代相结合. 遗传, 2023, 45(9): 718-740.
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Chen MJ, Liu GF, Xiao YQ, Yu H, Li JY. Breeding of ZhongKeFaZaoGeng1 by molecular design. Hereditas (Beijing), 2023, 45(9): 829-834.
陈明江, 刘贵富, 肖叶青, 余泓, 李家洋. 中科发早粳1号分子设计育种. 遗传, 2023, 45(9): 829-834.
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Jian LM, Xiao YJ, Yan JB. De novo domestication: a new way for crop design and breeding. Hereditas (Beijing), 2023, 45(9): 741-753.
简六梅, 肖英杰, 严建兵. 从头驯化:作物品种设计与培育的新方向. 遗传, 2023, 45(9): 741-753.
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Tian LY, Huang XZ. Application value of protein phase separation mechanism of flowering regulation in de novo domestication. Hereditas (Beijing), 2023, 45(9): 754-764.
田璐妍, 黄小珍. 植物开花调控中蛋白质相分离机制在从头驯化中的应用价值. 遗传, 2023, 45(9): 754-764.