摘要: 温度休克中国对虾(Penaeus orientalis)的受精卵,结果表明,用0、6和9℃的低温休克,温度越低或休克时间越长,对细胞分裂的抑制作用也越强,孵化率也越低。用30和33℃的高温休克,温度越高或休克时间越长,对细胞的伤害也越大,孵化率表明显降低。低温和高温休克都能诱发三倍体。三倍体的最高诱发率,低率(9℃)为43.8%,高温(30℃)为32%,并获得三倍体蚤状幼体。对虾三倍体的诱发成功,为对虾的我多倍体育种提供了可能。
The fertilized eggs of Chinese prawn(penaeus orientalis),were treated with cold and heat shocks at various time intervals after spawning and various time continuations to induce triploidy.The results indicated that,with 0℃,6℃ and 9℃ cold shocks,the cell division was inhibited more intensely and the hatching rate became lower as the temperature got lower or the treating time lasted longer.With heat shocks at 30℃ or 33℃,the higher temperature was or the longer the tratment lasted,the more seriously the cells were damaged or the lower the inducing rate became.Both cold and heat shocks could induce triploid.The highest indueing rate was 32% with heat shock and 43.8% with cold shock respectively.The successful induction of chromosome triploidy in prawn provided probability for the polyploid breeding in these species.