遗传 ›› 2008, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 795-800.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1005.2008.00795

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 国家林业局国有林场和林木种苗工作总站, 北京100714;
    2. 中国林业科学研究院林业研究所 国家林业局林木培育重点实验室, 北京100091

  • 收稿日期:2007-11-23 修回日期:2008-01-23 出版日期:2008-06-10 发布日期:2008-06-10
  • 通讯作者: 苏晓华

Analysis on SNPs linked with wood properties of Populus nigra L. gene resources

DING Ming-Ming1;HUANG Qin-Jun2;SU Xiao-Hua2   

  1. 1. General Administration of State Forest Farms, Tree seeds and seedlings, SFA, Beijing 100714, China;
    2. The Research Institute of Forestry, CAF Laboratory of Tree Breeding and Cultivation, SFA, Beijing 100091, China
  • Received:2007-11-23 Revised:2008-01-23 Online:2008-06-10 Published:2008-06-10
  • Contact: SU Xiao-Hua


以115个欧洲黑杨(Populus nigra L.)无性系为材料, 利用TaqMan技术分析了欧洲黑杨基因资源参与木质素和纤维素合成的酶(4CL、PAL和CesA2)的单核苷酸多态性, 并对分型的SNPs与木材材性性状(物理性状:基本密度、纤维长、纤维宽、微纤丝角; 化学性状: 木质素含量、纤维素含量、a 纤维素含量等)进行了相关分析。结果如下: (1)在对4CL、PAL和CesA2等3个基因进行检测时, 共获得27个SNPs标记, 对其中转换(A-G, C-T)有17个位点, 颠换(A-C, G-C, G-T, A-T等)有10个位点; (2)对其中的3个SNPs进行了分型, 分别记作SNP1、SNP2和SNP3; (2)对已经分型SNPs位点与材性性状进行方差分析, 结果显示, 3个SNPs中只有SNP1与4年生欧洲黑杨综纤维素含量显著相关, 表现为负效应, 贡献率为11.11%; (3)对欧洲黑杨4CL基因的SNP1标记的不同基因型所对应的材性性状进行方差分析, 结果显示基因型为CC和CT的欧洲黑杨相对于基因型为TT的欧洲黑杨有较高的纤维素含量。

关键词: 单核苷酸多态性, 材性, 欧洲黑杨


In this study, 115 Populus nigra L. collected from Europe were used as materials. They were detected for SNPs of genes linked with lignin and holocellulose (4CL, PAL and CesA2) by TaqMan technology and correlations between SNPs and wood properties (the wood speciely gravity, fiber length, fiber width, microfibre angle, lignin, holocellulose content and a-Cellulose content) were also studied. results showed that (1) 27 SNPs were obtained in the genes, such as 4CL, PAL and CesA2 associated with lignin synthesis. Among them, 17 SNPs were transition (A-G, C-T), 10 SNPs were transversion (A-C, G-C, G-T, and A-T). (2) Three of the SNPs were discriminated, a significant negative correlation between holocellulose content of four-year old P. nigra and SNP1 was detected, and contribution ratio was 11.11%. SNP2 and SNP3 had no sig-nificant correlation with wood properties. (3) Wood properties of various genotypes of SNP1 were significantly different. CC and CT genotype relative to TT genotype had larger holocellulose content. SNP1 would be an efficient marker to choose P. nigra gene resources that have larger holocellulose content.