遗传 ›› 2000, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (6): 367-368.
刘牧;李琳;沈淑萍;陈彩;谢立平;石继海;袁峥;张春杰 LIU Mu;LI Lin;SHEN Shu-ping;CHEN Cai;XIE Li-ping;SHI Ji-hai;YUAN Zheng;ZHANG Chun-jie
摘要: 用同步电泳分型的方法,对中国内蒙古鄂伦春族、鄂温克族、达斡尔族人506份血痕红细胞酶EAP、ADA、AK1遗传多态性进行了研究,被调查群体中均未检出上述三种酶型的变异型。被调查群体三种酶型基因频率范围分别为EAPA 0.2139~0.2280;ADA10.9500~0.9596;AK1 1.0~0.9963。
Abstract:In the paper the phenotype freguencies of the EAP,ADA and AK1 have been investigated by the emthod of typing of EAP-ADA-AK on the samemixed starch/agarose gel electrophresis among 3 nationalities in Inner Mongolia.(Oroqen,Ewenki and Dawuor.) The distribution of their typy frequencies varied with races. The gene freqrencies DP and CDP were also calculated.