摘要: 应用70个微卫星标记分析了3个籼稻测验种和3个粳稻测验种的多态性,发现其中36个标记可以区分籼粳测验种。再以18个籼粳品种进一步筛选,找到了分布于12条染色体的21个籼粳特异性微卫星标记。在这21个标记中,20个在籼粳亚种间带型相异,其中7个在亚种内带型一致,13个在亚种内带型不一致;1个标记在12个籼稻品种和1个粳稻品种检测到相同的带型,其余11个粳稻品种具有另一种带型。微卫星标记和RFLP标记检测籼粳亚种不仅具有一致性,而且还有互补性。
Abstract:Six indica and japonica testers were assayed using 70 microsatellite markers.Thirty-six markers distinguishing indicas from japonicas were detected.By further-screening among 18 indica and japonica varieties,21 markers distributed on 12 rice chromosomes were found to be indica-japonica differentiated.No indica varieties shared same patterns with any japonica varieties at 20 marker loci,of which identical patterns were observed within subspecies at 7 loci while within-subspecies variations were observed at 13 loci.At the remaining locus,12 indica and 1 japonica varieties had the same allele,while other 11 japonica varieties had another allele.It also showed that SSLP was not only consistent,but also complementary,to RFLP for the subspecies identification.