遗传 ›› 2000, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (6): 365-366.
陈兰英;田敏;赵志强;郝亚凤;陈玲;骆延;尚学兰;谢志强;王新朝 CHEN Lan-ying;TIAN Min;ZHAO Zhi-qiang;HAO Ya-feng;CHEN Ling;LUO Yan;SHANG Xue-lan;XIE Zhi-qiang;WANG Xin-zhao
摘要: 本工作对遗传型智力残疾患者和非遗传型智力残疾患者各50例的趾端、拇趾球区、小鱼际远端区、趾间区的皮肤嵴纹数进行分析,并分别与对照组的同类资料比较。遗传型智残组与对照组比较,其趾端、拇趾球区、b~cRC、c~dRC均存在着非常显著的差异,P<0.001;其小鱼际远端区、a~bRC具有显著差异,P<0.05。非遗传型智残组与对照组的比较,其趾端、拇趾球区、a~bRC、b~cRC 的差异均无显著意义,P>0.05;小鱼际远端区、c~dRC具显著差异,P<0.05。这些结果表明,小鱼际远端区皮肤嵴纹数在诊断智残患者中有一定参考价值,趾端、拇趾球区、各趾间区的皮肤嵴纹数在智残患者的诊断中以及遗传型与非遗传型智残患者的鉴别方面都有一定的参考价值。
Abstract: Total Ridge Count of toe,hallucis area,hypothenar distal and interdigitorum of each 50 cases of hereditary and nonhereditary mental deficiency groups were analysed,and compared with those of the control groups respectively.TRC of toe,hallycis area,b~c and c~d of hereditary mental deficiency groups,compared with those of the control groups,had great significent difference (P<0.001)and TRC of hypothenar distal and a~b had significent difference (P<0.05).Non- hereditary mentale deficiency was compared with the control group;TRC of toe,hallycis area,a~band b~c had no significent difference (P>0.05);TRC of hypothenar distal and c~d had significent difference (P<0.05).The results showed that TRC of hypothenar distal had reference value to diagnose mental deficiency,and TRC of toe,hallucis area and each interdigitorum had a certain reference value to diagnose mental deficiency and distinguish between hereditary and non-hereditary mental deficiency.