遗传 ›› 2000, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (6): 361-364.
冯耀东;高立;苟德明;蒋达和;毛歆;李文鑫 FENG Yao-dong; GAO Li; GOU De-ming; JIANG Da-he ; MAO Xin; LI Wen-xin
摘要: 采用原位杂交和RNA点杂交方法,观察了一种新的端粒相关锌指基因TASL30在早期人胚与50种器官组织中的mRNA表达。结果表明,TASL30基因在早期人胚神经管中有明显表达,其中在神经管的头端表达最强,而在人的50种器官组织中均未检测到该基因的明显表达。另外通过G-显带和染色体原位杂交,将TASL30基因定位于人染色体12q24~qter。
Abstract:By means of in situ hybridization and RNA dot blot,mRNA expression of a telomereic-associated zinc finger gene(TASL30 )was observed.The results showed that TASL30 gene was expressed in significant amount in neural tube of early human embryo and the cephalic expression level was the highest,but none of recognizable positive signal was detected in 50 human tissues.By G-banding and chromosome in situ hybridization,TASL30 gene was located in chromosome 12q24~qter.