摘要: 用7个母本、5个父本品种,按NCII杂交设计,进行桑树对花叶病抗性的遗传分析。首次证明:桑树对花叶病的抗性具有数量遗传特点,符合加性-显性模型,主要受加性基因控制,广义遗传力和狭义遗传力中等,一般配合力显示绝对优势,具有超显性现象。母本品种含有比父本品种更多的显性基因。
Abstract Seven maternal and five paternal varieties of mulberry were used in inheritance experiment by NCII mating design. Genetic study of mulberry resistance to the mosaic disease was carried out. The results showed for the first time that mulberry resistance to the mosaic disease showed charateristics of quantitative inheritance, it tallied with the model of additive-dominance, it was mainly controlled by additive genes. Broad heritability and narrow heritality were moderate. The general combining ability showed absolute superiority. The resistance showed overdominant phenomenon. The maternal variety had more the dominance gene than paternal.