遗传 ›› 2000, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (6): 379-384.
孔庆鹏1;罗静1;黄顺友2;向余劲攻1;张亚平1 KONG Qing-peng1;LUO Jing1;HUANG Shun-you2;XIANGYU Jing-gong1;ZHANG Ya-ping1
摘要: 本研究测定了长臀?属(Mystacoleucus Günther)中的3个种:月斑长臀?(M.chilopterus Fowler)、长臀?[M.marginatus(Cuvier et Valenciennes)] 和细尾长臀?(M.lepturus Huang)共22个个体的线粒体细胞色素b部分基因片段,其序列为408bp,并选用??亚科(Acheilognathinae)中华??(Rhodeus sinensis Günther)及?亚科(Barbinae)中的云南倒刺?(Spinibarbus.denticulatus yunnanensis Tsu)作为外群。结果表明:细尾长臀?与月斑长臀?、长臀?间存在遗传分化,分化程度与鲤科其它鱼类相似;而月斑长臀?和长臀?却无法分开。结果提示,月斑长臀?和长臀?很可能为同一个种。此外,长臀?属与云南倒刺?的亲缘关系较近,表明有争议的长臀?属归入?亚科是合理的。
Abstract:We analyzed 408 base pairs of cytochrome b gene of mitochondrial DNA from 22 individuals of 3 species in genus Mystacoleucus: M.chilopterus, M.marinatus and M.lepturus.Selected outgroups were Rhodeus sinensis in Acheilognathinae and Spinibarbus denticulatus yunnanensis in Barbinae.Our results indicate that M.lepturus did not have the common haplotypes as M.chilopterus or M.Marginatus.It suggests that there not be gene flow between M.lepturus and the other two species.The result supports that the species M.lepturus exist.Our data suggest that Chilopterus and Marginatus did not form monophyletic group respectively,which indicates the two species may be the same species.Meanwhile,according to the analysis,the genus Mystacoleucus is relatively closer to Spinibarbus,and it suggests it may be reasonable Mystacoleucus in subfamily Barbinae.