摘要: 基因组研究计划包括以全基因组测序为目标的结构基因组学和以基因功能鉴定为目标的功能基因组学两方面的内容。目前基因功能鉴定的方法主要有:基因表达的系统分析(SAGE)、cDNA微阵列、DNA(基因)芯片、蛋白组技术以及基于转座子标签和T_DNA标签的反求遗传学技术等。本文对上述各种技术的优缺点以及它们在植物基因功能鉴定中的应用进行了综述。
Abstract: The genome projects comprise the structural genomics focusing on determining the complete sequences of the genome and the functional genomics focusing on elucidating the biological function of genes.The rapidly evolving tools for functional genomics research include Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE),cDNA microarray,DNA (or gene) chips,proteome project and the reverse genetics technique based on the well-established transposon tagging and T?DNA tagging systems.In this paper,the advantages and disadvantages of such techniques and application of these techniques in plant functional genomics research are reviewed and future prospective are also presented.