遗传 ›› 2021, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (2): 108-117.doi: 10.16288/j.yczz.20-363
Zhuo Wang1(), Xiaohan Shen1, Qihui Shi1(
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随着单细胞基因组测序技术的建立与发展,对细胞基因组特征的分析进入了单细胞水平。单细胞的基因组分辨率不但使研究人员能够在单细胞尺度上分析肿瘤细胞的异质性,也使得传统上难以检测的稀有细胞的基因组研究成为可能。这些稀有细胞往往具有重要的生物学意义或临床价值,如癌症患者血液中循环肿瘤细胞(circulating tumor cell, CTC)的基因组检测或三代试管婴儿植入前胚胎细胞的遗传缺陷诊断与筛查(preimplantation genetic diagnosis/screening, PGD/PGS)。本文总结了近年来发展的各种单细胞基因组扩增技术及其优缺点,并介绍了单细胞基因组测序技术在肿瘤生物学和临床检测中的应用,以期为单细胞基因组测序技术在临床检测中应用开发提供参考。
王卓, 申笑涵, 施奇惠. 单细胞基因组测序技术新进展及其在生物医学中的应用[J]. 遗传, 2021, 43(2): 108-117.
Zhuo Wang, Xiaohan Shen, Qihui Shi.
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Su Z, Wang ZJ, Ni XH, Duan JC, Gao Y, Zhuo ML, Li RY, Zhao J, Ma Q, Bai H, Chen HY, Wang SH, Chen XX, An TT, Wang YY, Tian YH, Yu JY, Wang D, Xie XLS, Bai F, Wang J. Inferring the evolution and progression of small-cell lung cancer by single-cell sequencing of circulating tumor cells. Clin Cancer Res , 2019, 25(16): 5049-5060. PURPOSE: Genomic analyses of small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) are limited by the availability of tumor specimens. This study aimed to investigate the suitability of single-cell sequencing of circulating tumor cells (CTC) as a method of inferring the evolution and progression of SCLCs. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Between July 1, 2011, and July 28, 2014, 48 consecutively diagnosed patients with SCLC were recruited for this study. CTCs were captured from each patient with CellSearch system. Somatic mutations and copy number alterations (CNA) were monitored by single-cell sequencing of CTCs during chemotherapy. RESULTS: Single-cell sequencing of CTCs can provide a mutational atlas for SCLC. A 10-CNA score based on single CTCs was established as a classifier for outcomes of initial chemotherapy in patients with SCLC. The survival analyses demonstrated that patients with low CNA scores (<0) had significantly prolonged progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) after first-line chemotherapy in comparison with those with high scores (>/=0; PFS: 212 days vs. 110.5 days, P = 0.0042; and OS: 223.5 days vs. 424 days, P = 0.0006). The positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the CNA score for clinical subtype (refractory vs. sensitive) were 80.0% and 93.7%, respectively. By tracing allele-specific CNAs in CTCs isolated at different time points during chemotherapy, we showed that CNA heterogeneity might result from allelic losses of initially consistent CNAs. CONCLUSIONS: Single CTC-based sequencing can be utilized to depict the genomic profiles and evolutionary history of SCLC, thus offering the potential for clinical stratification of patients with SCLC.
doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-18-3571 pmid: 31113842 |
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