遗传 ›› 1999, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (1): 16-18.
尹桂芝1)张丽容1)李殿富1)张丽珊2) YIN Gui-Zhi1;ZHANG Li-Rong1;LI Dian-Fu1;ZHANG Li-Shan2
摘要: 应用Long PCR及Primer Shift Long PCR 技术对3例肥厚型心肌病(HCM)患者和10例正常引产胎儿的13份心肌标本予以线粒体 DNA缺失检测,结果在1例HCM患者心肌线粒体DNA中发现约5.0kb缺失,而在正常引产胎儿的标本未见该缺失,提示HCM的发生可能与mtDNA缺失相关。
Astract Using long PCR and primer shift long PCR techniques, we analyzed the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) isolated from the heart muscles of 3 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) patients and 10 normal abortive fetuses. Almost 5.0kb deletion was found in the heart mtDNA of one HCM patient, while no deletion was detected in that of 10 fetuses. It is concluded that HCM may correlate with mtDNA deletion.