遗传 ›› 2000, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (6): 385-388.
常岩林1;廉振民2 CHANG Yan-lin1;LIAN Zhen-min2
摘要: 本文以螽斯精巢为实验材料,经过低渗、固定、压片、空气干燥、Giemsa染色制备染色体标本,对螽斯总科露螽科4种螽斯的核型进行了研究,结果Phaneroptera falcata 2n♂=27, Phaneroptera gracilis 2n♂=25,Ducetia japonica 2n♂=29,Isopsera sp.2n♂=31,均为近端着丝粒染色体,性别决定机制均为XO♂/XX♀型, X染色体为染色体组中最大的染色体。作者认为,Isopsera sp.(2n♂=31)可能是露螽科中较原始的种类,Ducetia japonica(2n♂=29),Phaneroptera falcata (2n♂=27),Phaneroptera gracilis (2n♂=25)可能是由2n♂=31进化来的衔接融合在露螽科染色体进化中起着重要作用。
Abstract:Karyotypes of four species belonging to three genera of the Phaneropteridae were investigated.The diploid number of chromosomes is as follows: Phaneroptera falcata species 2n♂=27(XO),Phaneroptera gracilis 2n♂ =25 (XO),Ducetia japonica 2n =29 (XO) and Isopsera sp.2n♂=31(XO) ,all chromosomes are acrocentric,the X chromosomes are the largest members of the sets.It may be assumed that Isopsera sp. 2n♂=31 represents the basic number of chromosomes.The other species,Ducetia japonica 2n♂=29, Phaneroptera falcata 2n♂=27, Ph.gracilis 2n♂=25 could originate 2n♂=31 .Tandem fusions may be important in the karyotype evolution of Phaneropteridae.