遗传 ›› 2021, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 52-65.doi: 10.16288/j.yczz.20-357

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孙小媛, 王一帆, 王韫慧, 蔺佳雨, 李金红, 丘远涛, 方小龙, 孔凡江(), 李美娜()   

  1. 广州大学生命科学学院,广州 510006
  • 收稿日期:2020-10-23 修回日期:2020-12-07 出版日期:2021-01-20 发布日期:2021-01-08
  • 通讯作者: 孔凡江,李美娜 E-mail:kongfj@gzhu.edu.cn;limeina@gzhu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:孙小媛,在读硕士研究生,专业方向:植物资源利用。E-mail: 1797740106@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Progress on genic male sterility gene in soybean

Xiaoyuan Sun, Yifan Wang, Yunhui Wang, Jiayu Lin, Jinhong Li, Yuantao Qiu, Xiaolong Fang, Fanjiang Kong(), Meina Li()   

  1. School of Life Sciences, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China
  • Received:2020-10-23 Revised:2020-12-07 Online:2021-01-20 Published:2021-01-08
  • Contact: Kong Fanjiang,Li Meina E-mail:kongfj@gzhu.edu.cn;limeina@gzhu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China No(31871648)


雄性不育是指植物雄蕊不能正常生长和产生有活力花粉粒的现象。利用雄性不育突变体开展杂交育种工作,是快速提高作物单产的有效途径。目前,通过杂种制种已大幅度提高了水稻(Oryza sativa L.)、玉米(Zea mays L.)和小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)等作物的产量。大豆(Glycine max (L.) Merr.)作为自花授粉作物,通过人工去雄生产杂交种子不仅困难而且经济上不可行。由于适用于杂交种生产的不育系资源短缺,目前大豆还没有实现大规模杂种优势利用。因此,快速实现大豆杂种优势利用迫切需要鉴定稳定的大豆雄性不育系统。本文总结了大豆细胞核雄性不育(genic male sterility, GMS)突变体及不育基因研究进展,同时结合拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)、水稻和玉米中已报道的细胞核雄性不育基因,从反向遗传学的角度,为大豆核雄性不育基因的鉴定提供依据。

关键词: 大豆, 细胞核雄性不育, 反向遗传学


Male sterility refers to the phenomenon that stamens cannot grow normally and produce viable pollen grains in plants. Hybrid seed production by taking advantage of the trait of male sterility is an effective and quick strategy to increase crop yield. Up to date, the yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.), maize (Zea mays L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and other crops has been greatly increased based on hybrid vigor utilization. Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is a self-pollination species, artificial emasculation is not only time-consuming, but also labor-intensive and economically impracticable. So far, large scale hybrid breeding has not been performed in soybean due to the shortage of male sterile lines suitable for hybrid production. Therefore, it is urgent to identify a stable male sterile system for the rapid utilization of heterosis in soybean. In this review, we summarize the progress on the discovery of soybean genic male sterility (GMS) mutants and GMS genes. Combining with the investigation of GMS genes in Arabidopsis, rice and maize, we provide important insights into the identification and potential utilization of GMS genes in soybean in the perspective of reverse genetics.

Key words: soybean, genic male sterility, reverse genetics