遗传 ›› 2021, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (2): 118-133.doi: 10.16288/j.yczz.20-390
Yuxing Zhang1(), Hong Wu1(
), Li Yu1(
Supported by:
章誉兴, 吴宏, 于黎. 哺乳动物毛色调控机制及其适应性进化研究进展[J]. 遗传, 2021, 43(2): 118-133.
Yuxing Zhang, Hong Wu, Li Yu.
适应性状 | 物种 | 表型特征 | 基因 | 参考文献 | |
躲避天敌 | 雪鞋兔(Lepus americanus) | 棕色 | ASIP | [ | |
北极狐(Alopex lagopus) | 白色 | MC1R | [ | ||
非洲条纹鼠(Rhabdomys pumilio) | 深浅交替分布的条纹 | Alx3 | [ | ||
岩小囊鼠(Chaetodipus intermedius) | 深色毛发 | MC1R | [ | ||
捕食 | 白灵熊(Ursus americanus kermodei) | 白色 | MC1R | [ | |
非洲猎犬(Lycaon pictus) | 黑色、白色、黄色 | MYO5A、HPS6、PAH | [ | ||
猫科动物(Felidae) | 黑、黄斑纹 | Taqpep、EDN3 | [ | ||
紫外辐射 | 猪(Sus scrofa domesticus) | 藏猪 | 黑色 | MC1R | [ |
山羊(Capra aegagrus hircus) | 西藏绒山羊 | 黑色 | KITLG | [ | |
人工选择 | 猪(Sus scrofa domesticus) | 通城猪 | 两头乌 | MITF、EDNRB | [ |
滇南小耳猪 | 六白 | EDNRB、CNTLN、PINK1 | [ | ||
水牛(Bubalus bubalis) | 白色 | ASIP | [ | ||
白色斑点 | MITF | [ | |||
家犬(Canis lupus familiaris) | 白色、浅黄色、紫貂色 | ASIP | [ | ||
棕色 | TYRP1 | [ | |||
黑色 | CBD103 | [ | |||
毛色稀释 | MLPH | [ | |||
斑点 | SILV、MITF | [ | |||
黄色 | MC1R | [ | |||
家马(Equus ferus caballus) | 黑色、栗色、骝毛 | MC1R、ASIP | [ | ||
奶酪色、珍珠色、 白斑 | SLC45A2、PMEL、 KIT、EDNRB、MITF | [ | |||
家兔(Oryctolagus cuniculus f.domesticus) | 灰色 | TYR | [ | ||
獭兔(Oryctolagus cuniculus) | 白色、黑色、棕色、 灰色、灰黄色 | KIT | [ | ||
绵羊(Ovis aries) | 黑色、白色 | TYR、TYRP1 | [ | ||
山羊(Capra aegagrus hircus) | 南江黄羊 | 黄色/黄褐色, 背脊有黑色条带 | RALY、EIF2S2 | [ | |
美姑山羊 | 黑色 | IRF4、EXOC2 | [ | ||
美洲驼(Lama glama) | 白色斑点 | MITF | [ | ||
阿拉伯骆驼(Camelus dromedarius) | 白斑 | KIT | [ | ||
羊驼(Vicugna pacos) | 棕色 | miR-211、miR-184、miR-486、 miR-885、 miR-451、miR-451 | [ | ||
白色 | miR-202、miR-542-5p、miR-424、miR-370、miR-22-3p、miR-143-5p、miR-101a-3p、miR-144a-3p、miR-380-3p | [ | |||
蓝狐(Alopex lagopus) | 白色 | KIT | [ | ||
驴(Equus asinus) | 黑色、栗色 | TBX3 | [ |
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Hu SS, Chen Y, Zhao BH, Yang NS, Chen S, Shen JY, Bao GL, Wu XS. KIT is involved in melanocyte proliferation, apoptosis and melanogenesis in the Rex Rabbit. PeerJ , 2020, 8: e9402. Background: Melanocytes play an extremely important role in the process of skin and coat colors in mammals which is regulated by melanin-related genes. Previous studies have demonstrated that KIT is implicated in the process of determining the color of the coat in Rex rabbits. However, the effect of KIT on the proliferation and apoptosis of melanocytes and melanogenesis has not been clarified. Methods: The mRNA and protein expression levels of KIT were quantified in different coat colored rabbits by qRT-PCR and a Wes assay. To identify whether KIT functions by regulating of melanogenesis, KIT overexpression and knockdown was conducted in melanocytes, and KIT mRNA expression and melanin-related genes TYR, MITF, PMEL and DCT were quantified by qRT-PCR. To further confirm whether KIT influences melanogenesis in melanocytes, melanin content was quantified using NaOH lysis after overexpression and knockdown of KIT. Melanocyte proliferation was estimated using a CCK-8 assay at 0, 24, 48 and 72 h after transfection, and the rate of apoptosis of melanocytes was measured by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Results: KITmRNA and protein expression levels were significantly different in the skin of Rex rabbits with different color coats (P < 0.05), the greatest levels observed in those with black skin. The mRNA expression levels of KIT significantly affected the mRNA expression of the pigmentation-related genes TYR, MITF, PMEL and DCT (P < 0.01). Melanin content was evidently regulated by the change in expression patterns of KIT (P < 0.01). In addition, KIT clearly promoted melanocyte proliferation, but inhibited apoptosis. Conclusions: Our results reveal that KIT is a critical gene in the regulation of melanogenesis, controlling proliferation and apoptosis in melanocytes, providing additional evidence for the mechanism of pigmentation of animal fur.
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