遗传 ›› 1995, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (5): 8-10.
肖春杰1; 郝露萍1; 张卫红2; 陶永琏2; 周曾娣2; 杜若甫1 XIAO Chun-Jie1;HAO Lu-Ping1;ZHANG Wei-Hong2;TAO Yong-Lian2;ZHOU Zeng-Di2;DU Ruo-Fu1
摘要: 对100名德昂族人的红细胞血型进行了调查。结果表明,ABO系统中r>p>q; MNSs系统中m>n,s>S,Ms>Ns>MS>NS;Rh系统中CCDee表型最常见,CDe单倍型频率较高(0.8250),而cDe频率(0.0352)较低;P系统中P1基因频率为0.1 340。德昂族的红细胞血型分布具有我国南方民族的特点。
Abstract:A total number of 100 unrclated individuals of De’ang ethnic group in Luxi County,Yunnan Province were examined for the distribution of ABO,MNSs,Rh and P blood groups.The gene frequencies were as follows:r=0.6580,p=0.1740,q=0.1680,m=0.6500,n=0.3500,S=0.0200,s=0.9800,MS=0.0200,Ms=0.6300,NS=0,Ns=0.3500,C=0.8250,D=1.0000,E=0.1398,Cde=0.8250,cDE=0,1387,cDe=0.0352,P1=0.1340.At the same time,no MS,MNS,NS,NSs,CCDE and ccDee phenotype were found.These results show that the distribution of these systems in De’ang ethnic group has the characteristics of the nationalities living in South China.