遗传 ›› 2023, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (9): 781-792.doi: 10.16288/j.yczz.23-074
刘向东1,2,3(), 吴锦文1,2,3, 陆紫君1,2,3, Muhammad Qasim Shahid1,2,3
Xiangdong Liu1,2,3(), Jinwen Wu1,2,3, Zijun Lu1,2,3, Muhammad Qasim Shahid1,2,3
Xiangdong Liu
Supported by:
刘向东, 吴锦文, 陆紫君, Muhammad Qasim Shahid. 同源四倍体水稻:低育性机理、改良与育种展望[J]. 遗传, 2023, 45(9): 781-792.
Xiangdong Liu, Jinwen Wu, Zijun Lu, Muhammad Qasim Shahid. Autotetraploid rice: challenges and opportunities[J]. Hereditas(Beijing), 2023, 45(9): 781-792.
材料 | 花粉育性(%) | 结实率(%) | 染色体构型 | 参考文献 |
二倍体水稻 | 96.32±2.67 | 85.06±8.06 | (0.20~0.83) I+(11.17~11.90) II① (0.16~1.18) I+(11.41~11.92) II② | [ |
同源四倍体水稻 | 69.10±17.61 | 33.83±16.05 | (0.09~1.03) I+(5.67~13.21) II+(0.04~1.23) III+(4.83~8.71) IV+ (0.00~0.19) V + (0.00~0.36) VI① (0.25~4.13) I+(5.36~14.54) II+(0.13~1.26) III+(4.49~8.29) IV+ (0.00~0.28) V + (0.00~0.37) VI② | [ |
二倍体水稻籼粳杂种F1 | 30.51±1.63 | 30.34±19.70 | (0.74±0.38) I+(11.26±0.19) II① (0.23±0.04) I+(11.77±0.11) II② | [ |
同源四倍体水稻籼粳杂种F1 | 52.96±38.49 | 47.91±12.09 | (0.23~0.72) I+(10.26~13.00) II+(0.08~0.64) III+(5.23~6.65) IV① (0.57~1.33) I+(10.89~15.79) II+(0.05~0.53) III+(3.74~6.27) IV② | [ |
PMeS多倍体水稻 | --③ | 77.14±3.71 | (0.03~0.04) I+(15.83~15.86) II+(0.03~0.04) III+(4.15~4.38) IV+(0.02~0.03) VI① | [ |
高育性四倍体水稻恢复系 | 81.27±0.72 | 72.35±1.91 | (0.05~0.11) I+(19.17~19.96) II+(0.01~0.09) III+(2.20~2.26) IV+(0.00~0.01) VI② | [ |
高育性四倍体水稻恢复系杂种F1 | 86.69±1.01 | 80.5±2.12 | (0.06~0.02) I+(14.36~17.67) II+(0.01~0.06) III+(3.10~4.80) IV +(0.00~0.01) VI+(0.00~0.01) VIII② | [ |
新型四倍体水稻 | 90.79±5.13 | 75.21±5.81 | (0.06~0.53) I+(4.89~10.17) II+(0.02~0.37) III+(6.85~9.45) IV+(0~0.02) VI① | [ |
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