遗传 ›› 2006, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (11): 1421-1427.doi: 10.1360/yc-006-1421

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


秦 君3; 姜成喜2; 刘章雄1; 付亚书2; 关荣霞1; 陈维元2; 李英慧1;
张孟臣3; 景玉良2; 常汝镇1; 邱丽娟1

  1. 1. 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所, 国家农作物基因资源与遗传改良重大科学工程/农业部作物种质资源与生物技术重点开放实验室,
    北京 100081; 2. 黑龙江省农科院绥化农业科学研究所, 绥化 152052; 3. 河北省农林科学院作物研究所, 石家庄050031

  • 收稿日期:2005-12-15 修回日期:2006-01-24 出版日期:2006-11-05 发布日期:2006-11-05
  • 通讯作者: 邱丽娟

Genetic Diversity and Recombination of Soybean Cultivar Suinong 14 and Its Pedigree

QIN Jun3; JIANG Cheng-Xi2; LIU Zhang-Xiong1; FU Ya-Shu2; GUAN Rong-Xia1; CHEN Wei-Yuan2;
LI Ying-Hui1; ZHANG Meng-Chen<   

  1. 1. National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement, Key Loboratory of Crop Germplasm & Biotechnology, MOA, Institute of Crop Science, CAAS, Beijing 100081, China; 2. Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Science, Suihua 152052, China; 3. Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Science, Shijiazhuang 050031, China
  • Received:2005-12-15 Revised:2006-01-24 Online:2006-11-05 Published:2006-11-05
  • Contact: QIU Li-Juan


以绥农14及其系谱中的亲本品种为实验材料, 对14个农艺性状及分布在20个大豆连锁群上139对SSR引物进行分析, 揭示品种间遗传多样性和遗传重组关系, 为大豆新品种选育提供理论依据。聚类分析结果与品种间的亲缘关系相似, 每个SSR位点Shannon-Weaver指数的分布范围为0~1.677; 品种间的相似系数平均值为0.6380, 变化范围为0.5380~0.7990。筛选出区分这些品种的最少SSR位点数为3个; 如Satt543、Sat_130、Satt218。研究发现, 连锁群中间区段重组率与两个末端区段重组率无显著性差异, 说明连锁群上各区段的遗传重组是随机分布的。在139对引物中有39对引物在绥农14及其8个亲本间没有多态性, 表明这些位点可能对品种改良具有重要作用; 位于B2连锁群的Satt168是从祖先亲本紫花4号保留给绥农14的唯一的多态性位点, 可见, 经过5个世代的杂交重组和遗传改良, 绥农14的遗传组成与紫花4号相比已经发生了很大的变化。

关键词: 绥农14, SSR, 遗传多样性, 遗传重组, 指纹图谱


In this study, 14 agronomic traits and 139 SSR loci, distributed on 20 linkage groups of soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivar Suinong 14 and its pedigree were analyzed to explain the genetic diversity and recombination of Suinong 14 and to provide useful information for breeding. The cluster analysis based on SSR makers agreed with the pedigree information. The Shannon-Weaver index of each SSR locus ranged from 0 to 1.677. The average genetic similarity coefficient among cultivars was 0.6380, ranged from 0.538 to 0.799. At least three SSR loci were needed to discriminate Suinong 14 from its pedigree, for example a combination of Satt543, Sat_130 and Satt218. These loci have more alleles. No significant difference was observed between the end portion and the mid-portion within a linkage group, which indicates that the distribution of recombination occurred randomly in each linkage group. No polymorphism was detected within 39 of 139 SSR loci between Suinong 14 and its 8 parents. It implys their importance during cultivar improvement. Satt168, a marker on LGB2, was the only locus transmitted from Zihua 4 to Suinong 14, which indicates that the genetic constitute of Suinong 14 is greatly changed compared with Zihua 4 through five generations of recombination.
