摘要: 对水稻卷叶品种流岗卷叶粳与4个平展叶品种及1个卷叶标志基因(rl3)系的杂交或回交后代进行了考察。结果表明,流岗卷叶粳的卷叶特性以单基因不完全显性方式遗传; 该基因与rl3基因不等位,当rl3位点处于隐性纯合时两者以累加方式发生互作。这一等位基因可作标志基因使用,暂定名为Rl(t)。
Abstract:Liugangjuanyejing is a rolled leaf mutant of rice.A genetic study on the rolled-leaf character was carried out by crossing it with four flat-leaf cultivars and a genetic marker line (with a rolled-leaf allele rl3).The results showed that this character was controlled by an incomplete dominant gene which was non-allelic to rl3 locus and that there existed additive effect between the two loci when the rl3 locus was homozygous recessiveness.This new rolled-leaf allele was provisionally named as Rl(t) and could be used as a genetic marker of rice.